Random thoughts on WWF 1996.
Well, I was primarily an ECW fan at the time and Bret Hart was the main thing keeping my interest long enough to follow WWF still. When Bret lost the title to HBK at Wrestlemania, I was very pissed and paid much less attention to WWF from that point on. I totally saw Michaels winning beforehand, since they were making such a huge deal about it.
I was hoping they'd do something cool with Vader, but realized they weren't doing crap with him.
I was disappointed when Cactus left ECW and became Mankind. I didn't see the need for a gimmick change when the Cactus Jack character was already so dynamic, as seen in ECW.
I caught some of the stuff with Austin and Pillman, late in the year, as well as Austin calling out Bret. When he came back, I started giving it a little bit more attention, but really just watching during Nitro's commercial breaks or just lame matches.
I disliked Goldust getting pushed over Razor Ramon, and I liked how Piper beat his ass at Mania. That backlot brawl looked very convincing...except for the dumbass chase scene with OJ's white Bronco or whatever that was.
Early in the year, Diesel was getting kind of entertaining since going back to his heelish ways. Purple Taker got on my nerves. I never gave much of a damn about him, after he disappeared at the 94 Rumble.
I thought Sunny was hot and Sable was alright as well. I preferred her when she debuted, rather than the following year and beyond.
I was annoyed that HHH got jobbed out to the Ultimate Warrior so quickly, at Mania. Just seemed like a worthless match, after so much hype. Warrior didn't last too long, either. Funny to see him not even able to win the IC Title from Goldust.
I was sorry that Furnas and Kroffat, as well as Scorpio, left ECW for WWF. I had a lot of respect for all of them, and expected big things. The fact that they did absolutely nothing really disappointed me. Why bring in such a great tag team, only to misuse them so badly? And Scorpio was far too talented to get saddled with such a dumbass gimmick.
Ahmed Johnson, Farooq, Savio Vega and Rocky Maivia all annoyed me.
When the Ringmaster debuted, I was pissed that they were giving such a good wrestler such a stupid gimmick. I was really glad when he became Steve Austin, once again.
Jake Roberts seemed to age about fifteen years since I'd last seen him, in WCW, about four years earlier. I wanted to see him like he was before, but he came off as really washed up, boring and out of shape. The Jesus angle got on my nerves as well. I guess it served to give Austin his big catch phrase.
The Billionaire Ted skits were stupid. Then again, WCW was just as petty when they showed the commercials of WCW guys beating the hell out of WWF guys that had once worked there, for those "Where the big boys play" ads. It's funny, because they showed the Diamond Studd getting his ass kicked by Sting, then Hall showed up a month or two later.
Shawn Michaels would have been a little better as a heel champ. As a face, they made him seem really weak. Especially with the father-figure, Lothario, having to accompany him everywhere. It was a mistake to drop the title to Sid, instead of Vader or even Mankind.
Vader could have been HUGE if they let him. The matches he could have had with Hart would have been big money, I think.....
Well, I was primarily an ECW fan at the time and Bret Hart was the main thing keeping my interest long enough to follow WWF still. When Bret lost the title to HBK at Wrestlemania, I was very pissed and paid much less attention to WWF from that point on. I totally saw Michaels winning beforehand, since they were making such a huge deal about it.
I was hoping they'd do something cool with Vader, but realized they weren't doing crap with him.
I was disappointed when Cactus left ECW and became Mankind. I didn't see the need for a gimmick change when the Cactus Jack character was already so dynamic, as seen in ECW.
I caught some of the stuff with Austin and Pillman, late in the year, as well as Austin calling out Bret. When he came back, I started giving it a little bit more attention, but really just watching during Nitro's commercial breaks or just lame matches.
I disliked Goldust getting pushed over Razor Ramon, and I liked how Piper beat his ass at Mania. That backlot brawl looked very convincing...except for the dumbass chase scene with OJ's white Bronco or whatever that was.
Early in the year, Diesel was getting kind of entertaining since going back to his heelish ways. Purple Taker got on my nerves. I never gave much of a damn about him, after he disappeared at the 94 Rumble.
I thought Sunny was hot and Sable was alright as well. I preferred her when she debuted, rather than the following year and beyond.
I was annoyed that HHH got jobbed out to the Ultimate Warrior so quickly, at Mania. Just seemed like a worthless match, after so much hype. Warrior didn't last too long, either. Funny to see him not even able to win the IC Title from Goldust.
I was sorry that Furnas and Kroffat, as well as Scorpio, left ECW for WWF. I had a lot of respect for all of them, and expected big things. The fact that they did absolutely nothing really disappointed me. Why bring in such a great tag team, only to misuse them so badly? And Scorpio was far too talented to get saddled with such a dumbass gimmick.
Ahmed Johnson, Farooq, Savio Vega and Rocky Maivia all annoyed me.
When the Ringmaster debuted, I was pissed that they were giving such a good wrestler such a stupid gimmick. I was really glad when he became Steve Austin, once again.
Jake Roberts seemed to age about fifteen years since I'd last seen him, in WCW, about four years earlier. I wanted to see him like he was before, but he came off as really washed up, boring and out of shape. The Jesus angle got on my nerves as well. I guess it served to give Austin his big catch phrase.
The Billionaire Ted skits were stupid. Then again, WCW was just as petty when they showed the commercials of WCW guys beating the hell out of WWF guys that had once worked there, for those "Where the big boys play" ads. It's funny, because they showed the Diamond Studd getting his ass kicked by Sting, then Hall showed up a month or two later.
Shawn Michaels would have been a little better as a heel champ. As a face, they made him seem really weak. Especially with the father-figure, Lothario, having to accompany him everywhere. It was a mistake to drop the title to Sid, instead of Vader or even Mankind.
Vader could have been HUGE if they let him. The matches he could have had with Hart would have been big money, I think.....
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