Back around New Year's, I was watching a tape of matches I recorded from late 2001, taking particular notice of Jericho's stuff. I enjoyed his run as Undisputed Champion, and wondered what the realistic chances were of him getting a title push once more, or even if it would be worth seeing if he got it. I've always liked Jericho much better as a heel. It's a smurfing shame that they didn't do more with him. I can understand where people said Benoit wouldn't remain in the main event due to lack of charisma (even though I felt it didn't matter) but Jericho, he had it all. He had the talent and he was charismatic as hell. I thought, for sure, that he'd have had much more success as a main eventer. WCW blew it, but I thought WWF/E would do more to capitalize on his talent as push him as the next HBK or something. Sad that after 2002, he pretty much did nothing worth mentioning.
However, after a lackluster return, he has been in the hottest angle of the summer and has now regained the World Heavyweight Title. Is this the beginning of big things for Jericho, or just another swerve for the IWC? Will he hold the title for a decent length of time, or will be be jobbed out to the first hoss that comes his way? Maybe the injured HBK can get one final run off of him. I sure as hell hope not. I've been waiting for this since he returned...Hell, since the moment he jobbed to HHH back in 2002. I'll be enjoying this, regardless of how long or short the reign is.
I hope that he manages to get past HBK and go on to have a lengthy feud with CM Punk. They have had some really good matches and I think it would ensure some great promos as well.
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