08 December 2008


My 2 cents on John Cena.

The guy seems nice enough. He appears to have respect for the business. These are good qualities. though he's not a very good performer, in my view. His ring skills are generic and boring. Honestly, at times, he still seems pretty green. Also, his promos are some of the worst. It's not just that he's bad but the obvious fact that he's trying too hard. The Rock was funny. He made me sick, but I also came to appreciate his humour, over time. Austin could be pretty humourous, as well. Cena tries his best to imitate both of them (though this could be the writers feeding him lines) but he just can't do it. He's not convincing. Even when he attempts to sound angry, it comes off as lame and contrived. But, worst of all is how he's booked.

He just came back from a neck injury that required surgery. Last week, he took a DDT from the ramp to the concrete floor. Even the Immortal Hulk Hogan, himself, would have been selling that injury, on this week's show. He'd probably have been wearing a neck brace. Even if it's just for a week, it would have advanced the storyline. Tonight, Cena came out and no-sold the events of last week. That made everything that happened completely worthless. That is exactly why he can't get really over as a babyface. He's always made to look so strong that there's no way anyone can feel sympathy for him. He's consistently overcoming the odds, which got old a long time ago. The fact that it takes several people to lay him out is just idiotic. Even still, he usually no-sells it and fights them all off. Again, even Hogan got his ass beat a few times. The heel has to get heat somehow, but Supercena doesn't allow for that. I doubt this is actually Cena's fault. Surely, WWE Creative are to blame for this, if not Vince himself.

Instead of coming out and selling the neck injury and, maybe, addressing it, Cena went right in to the lame jokes and playing tough guy. He lost any chance at getting sympathy from last week's attack and hurt the psychology of the upcoming PPV match with Jericho. If being attacked by four men and DDT'd from the ramp can't take him out, then why should anyone expect Jericho to win? We shouldn't. It's seeming far too predictable that Cena is going to steamroll over Jericho. If they're intent on keeping this guy as their top face, the least they could do is allow him to look vulnerable, from time to time. Hell, if the beating from last week wasn't enough to leave a few marks, then he might as well retire as champ now because it won't be believable for anyone to defeat him.

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